
                           PHILLY APWU  LOCAL89  - AFL-CIO

  To the membership,

first and foremost, I want to thank you for the support and the confidence that you have given to the newly elected. Our main objective is two fold:

            1. To serve you,and represent you to the best of our ability,regarding your concerns and issues.

            2. To build up this local and it's membership.

The purpose of this website is to assist you in every way possible. It is a work in progress.

  As your Director of Industrial Relations, I am working hard for you, for the betterment of this local.

Processing and handling your grievances are important to me and my team of dedicated stewards and Officers. But, you have a very significant and important part to play in this process. So, I ask that you please, assist by doing the following:

  •  When served anything by management, get to your steward as soon as possible.
  • If you are unable to get a resolution with your steward, then go to your Chief steward.
  • If your Chief steward is unable to help resolve your issue, then go to your Craft Directors.

If by some remote chance that all of the above does not meet your resolve, then contact me, your D.I.R. Remember we are here to SERVE U! You are the Union! Take the U out of Union and what do you have? You have nothing!

Respectfully Submitted,

Atiyah Ivey

Director of Industrial Relations

Philadelphia Local 89 AFL-CIO  



Atiyah Ivey